Our Services

Property Inspections
Some companies call them “Drive-By” inspections. We hate using that term because we actually stop and conduct the inspection based on the requirements of the work order. You will never see an NMFS inspection with “car parts” in the photo. Our inspection photos are clear, straight, and capture the entire property. Where provided, we always include an address verification photo. If we discover the property to be vacant, we take a full front photo, (rear if accessible), 2 side photos, an address verification photo along with a photo of the water spigot showing the water is either on or off. We report on damages, vandalism, hazards, and conditions that would present liabilities. If we cannot provide a photo through the window on the first time vacant, we ask neighbors for verification. We never guess. We check all doors and windows for security and report it unsecured if we cannot lock it back using existing hardware.

Interior Inspections
On every interior inspection we do, we provide photos of every major room in the building. We check to see if the windows and doors are locked. We check the ceilings for damages that might indicate a roof leak. We take photos of the toilets to show if it has been winterized or not. We also check for health hazards such as mold, dead animals, or visible signs of vermin infestations. We know the difference between an interior in “Good” condition with tons of leftover junk, and one that is truly in “Fair” or “Poor” condition that needs maintenance to preserve the property.

Insurance Loss Inspections
Homeowners waiting on someone to call them, to do an inspection they never knew they needed, can be very frustrating. The first thing we do is call the homeowner to set up an appointment to inspect the repairs as soon as possible. We try to set up an appointment that fits their schedule the best. We use the insurance Scope of Work provided to us by our clients or ask the homeowners for copies. We understand that we are not “building inspectors”. We represent the interests of our clients, who have an interest in making sure that the property is brought back to the same standards as before the loss. We take photos of all finished repairs as well as those not yet repaired. We provide percentages of completion, not based on what the homeowner or the contractor would like to see, but based on actually completed repairs using the documents the claim was written for.

Occupancy Verification
One of the most important questions a mortgage field inspector faces is if the property is occupied or not. Just because the electric is turned off, or the water is shut off, does not mean the property is vacant. The opposite of “occupied” is not occupied. The presence of personal property is only an indication of occupancy, not a determining factor. Furniture does not occupy a property. People occupy a property. A house can be full of furniture, all the utilities on, and yet be considered vacant. The question of occupancy or vacancy is determined by whether or not the property is lived in by people. The next question is how this is determined. NMFS requires our inspectors to make professional assessments of this question by using a series of steps that are taken to determine occupancy. We are not afraid to ask the neighbors or take photos through windows to help determine the occupancy. The wrong determination can lead to trouble for all of us. We never guess. Reporting “unknown” to our clients is like ordering a hamburger without the meat. It’s useless information.

Letter/Door Delivery
National Mortgage Field Services will place your message in a sealed envelope and tape it to the door or place in the crack of the door with the words “Confidential” in plain view. We will also take your door hangers, cards, or any other messages you want us to deliver and take it right to their door. Whenever possible, we’ll hand-deliver the message if the occupants are home.

No-Contact Bankruptcy Inspections
These can be some of the most difficult inspections to conduct. We understand the legal ramifications of not contacting the homeowner or even their neighbors. On these types of inspections, we don’t even ask the Post Office, they may work there! If we discover the property to be vacant, we know that we are not even authorized to step foot on the property. So we don’t. All observations are made by the roadside. This is where the experience of the inspector comes in. They have to be able to use discernment skills in making accurate assessments of the property occupancy and condition.

DISASTER Inspections
Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and fires can devastate a single home or an entire community. Mortgage companies will often require a full assessment of their inventory in certain neighborhoods or townships to determine the level of loss to their clients’ portfolios. A disaster inspection simply provides damage reports with photos as a type of property inspection. When the roads are clear, our inspectors will visit the requested properties to help determine the level of damages.

Foreclosure Inspections
It’s important to get to these properties before the vandals get a hold of it. The Mortgage Field Inspector is often the first one ‘on the scene’ so to speak, and we have to be able to determine quickly and accurately the condition of the property so that it can be preserved. Broken windows, utility conditions, the security of the home as well as any outbuildings is important information that needs to be reported as quickly as possible. If at all possible, we will secure the property with existing hardware.

Car Chases
We don’t actually chase the cars, but we will go to the last place of residence and hand-deliver your message for the owner to call you. If the car is on-site, we’ll take plenty of photos so that you can get a good idea of the condition. We’ll also take photos of the VIN number for proper identification.