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Aspen Grove Background Check

ShieldHub is the name of the background check company. They utilize ClearStar to conduct the actual background checks so that you may see both of those names.

If you already have an ABC# from another company or an Aspen Grove Business account, email it to

If you arrived at this website via a Google search and were told to get your Aspen Grove Background check, this may not be the link you were looking for. This process is only for those who came from inspector course and become certified first.  Otherwise, if you were sent here by a company other than NMFS, then you are probably looking for the Aspen Grove website.

If you don’t know what you are doing and why you need to do this, read the FAQ below.


Many in our industry are very familiar with Aspen Grove.  What many do not know is that Aspen Grove is no longer Aspen Grove. ShieldHub pretty much took over the whole process.  But the term “Aspen Grove” will no doubt be around for years.


1. Why do we even need a background check by Aspen Grove?

The simple answer is that it is required by our government based on laws passed by congress.
For more information read:
Why are we required to have Aspen Grove?

It’s the cost of doing business and is good for one year. After a year another background check is conducted at a reduced rate.


2. What the heck is an ABC# and what’s with the IC Rating? (IC means Independent Contractor)

No matter what the criminal background check reveals about you, everyone that pays for a background check receives an ABC#.
Your assigned ABC# goes on every inspection you submit, and is verified by Aspen Grove that the number belongs to you. This is the “verifiable” part that Congress enacted several years ago for our industry.  You have to have one to do inspections.

There are two parts to this process:

1. An ABC#is issued, example: (TX750781032)
2. An IC rating is issued and is assigned a classification code ranging from IC01-IC04

  • An ICO1 rating means you are clean and pure as the wind-driven snow. (Only acceptable rating to conduct property inspections.)
  • An IC02 rating is a clean record for the past 5 – 10 years. (Some property preservation companies accept IC02.)
  • An IC03 rating is a clean record for the past 2-5 years. (Not acceptable in the Mortgage Field Services Industry.)
  • An IC04 rating means you had a recent reportable conviction which is not acceptable in our industry. (You probably killed somebody and we don’t know why you are still not in jail!)
3. Will Aspen Grove run a credit report on me?
Absolutely NOT! This has nothing to do with your credit, it is all about criminal activities.

4. Will this affect my credit score or rating?

Absolutely NOT! This has nothing to do with your credit score or rating.

5. What crimes are they checking for?

For a complete list, click this link: AGScrimes.

6. Why does the background check cost so much?

The Aspen Grove background check is unlike any other background check. In fact, Aspen Grove is not a background check company, they are a technology company that utilizes the services of 3 national background check companies. Once your ABC# is issued, Aspen Grove provides verification services to make sure your ABC# matches their records to your name.  Every inspection you submit, once it passes our QC Department, is submitted to our client with a stopover at Aspen Grove where they verify that you have passed a criminal background check. This is an ongoing cost to Aspen Grove Solutions which is why the fee for the background check is priced the way it is. This verifiable background check is mandated by our government with the passing of the Dodd-Frank Reform Act, and the Inspector General.


7. What if I already have a background check from another company?
Most of us have already had a background check ran on us from one source or another. However, in the mortgage field services industry, an ABC# is required. Once a background check has been completed by Aspen Grove Solutions, they will assign an ABC# to the Inspector and that number is attached and processed to every work order submitted.  Only Aspen Grove Solutions can issue an ABC#.

8. How long does it take for the Aspen Grove Background Check to come in?
We often receive the results of the background check within 5 to 7 days but could be as long as 3 weeks. A few difficult applications may take a bit longer.

9. What about traffic tickets?

Aspen Grove does not look at traffic tickets.

10. Why do the vendors have to pay for their own background check?
Vendors are Independent Contractors. They are NOT employees. In most cases an employer will pay for background checks of their employees. But in the Mortgage Field Service business where you are the company owner, the vendor, you must pay for it yourself as part of the requirement to conduct inspections in this industry.


Appeal Process

If you receive an IC Rating less than IC01, you may request an appeal from the Review Committee to review the circumstances of your particular situation and request a higher rating so that you can work in the Mortgage Field Services industry. (75% successful rating upgrades.) You will be sent instructions from Aspen Grove on further steps to make your appeal.

If you receive an IC01 and then later are convicted of a serious crime, and if your annual renewal indicates a lowered IC rating, then you might not be able to continue working in our industry.